I like what these guys have to say, www.twpp.org.uk
The Workers People's Party policies would result in:
A state where the people will have much more genuine say in the running of the country.
Local and working peoples communities becoming socially and politically stronger and the backbone of the nation.
A society where all citizens will and must be treated equally under the law.
A situation where the state would make decisions based on the collective (the common good) as opposed to making decisions based on what is best for the political elite (the selected privileged few).
Developing a society that values our people, our environment and recognises our unique way of life, A United Kingdom that will preserve its citizen’s heritages and cultures.
The nationalisation or re-nationalisation of some of our key British businesses, industries and services.
A nation where an honest day's hard work would be rewarded. And any citizen capable of working should be given the chance to do so and be paid a wage that can support a decent living standard.
A system of flat tax that is fair for all.
A referendum on the return to the Gold Standard.
Stronger laws that will reduce crime and punish offenders. We are entitled to live in our homes and walk our streets without fear.
More funding for the emergency services and equipping our police force with the necessary means to do their job.
An armed forces than can protect our country from foreign and domestic threats.
A stay at home military policy and stop policing the world.
Capital punishment for serious crimes.
An overhaul of our education system, so as to give our youths the best education possible.
Effective border control combined with an immigration policy that will end the madness of mass immigration and illegal aliens. Our country should not be a haven for queue-jumping asylum seekers and bogus refugees, Immigration should not be an excuse for failing to train and employ our people.
Our removal from the European Union and rejoining the European Free Trade Association.
A system of welfare, and benefits that will aid those citizens really in need.
A greener, environmentally aware and active state.
A healthy fully funded NHS. We should have financial security in retirement with easy access to health services.
The removal of political correctness as a factor and repealing laws promoting political correctness, citizens will be judged according to merit not race, status or religion.
An end to the idea that is multiculturalism as it is a proven failed experiment.
A sound public service ethics.
A new British Bill of Rights (constitution) and the repeal of the Human Rights Act.
A government which puts its workers and people first.
The Workers People's Party is a political movement founded on basic solid morals and ethics with the view of reviving the once strong and unshakable principles that made our country great. With our comprehensive and ambitious programme of vigour and of action we hope to achieve all our aims we have set ourselves.
So, while we seek to persuade people of our new revolutionary ideas, our name and ideals at a glance might seem to some socialist inspired however we are not a socialist party, we are civic nationalists, British patriots if you will. Marxism has been marketed quite successfully as the only "true" ideology for the workers; we believe common sense and civic nationalism is the way forward. We have all seen and felt the appalling effects of socialist inspired policy over the years in our great nation, so now we are here to show that there is an alternative.
I totally agree with their ethics, interesting party.